
3 02 2010


I watched this video in Haiti and literally didn’t sleep all night.  After watching the video I walked into the kitchen to get a glass a water, and opened the fridge just to see if anything looked appealing.  I opened a fridge full of food thinking that “theres nothing to eat”, when I reflected on the video.

Haiti.  There is no food.  There is no water.  There is no stores.  Riots are breaking out frequently.  Kids are walking around naked because they don’t have clothes.  All churches are completely destroyed.  There is no hope.  I don’t have any food that looks appealing in my air conditioned home with clothes completely scattered all over my room.

This isn’t only Haiti, though Haiti is probably one of the worst.  The majority of the world lives on a dollar or two a day.

We cannot fathom what it would be like to be homeless in America.  A homeless man in America could not fathom what it would be like to live in many countries in the world.

I’ll watch this video and most likely at some point even during this week,  complain about some type of problem I am facing.  Our economy is down and jobs and unemployment in America is horrible.  Where in Haiti 2/3 of people do not have any form of a job.

When Pastor Mark Driscoll arrived in Haiti he first saw a soldier who made the comment, “This is the end times the bible is talking about.”

God has a planned layed out for your life.  My prayer is for everyone to know Jesus, and be able to live a life of worth.  But our calling does not start in the future.  It does not start after college or after we form a family.  It does not start once the troubles we are facing now cease.  Our calling has little to do with us.

It starts now.  It starts once you are able to look at the universe and say, “God rid me of myself.”  It starts when you look at God and his splender and say, “I am not worthy.”  It starts when you see the life of Christ and the cross and say, “My life is yours.”

Lord thank you for my friends.  I lift them up God and pray that anyone that does not live for you will see the world as it is and realize it has nothing to offer.  I pray that you reign your presense in their life and allow them to give up their life, a mere vapor, to the cause of Christ.  I pray that you strengthen my friends that are believers and allow them to be witnesses to the world.  I lift up Haiti, knowing that you are a God that can rid the tragity with a lift of your finger.  I pray that your will be done in that place.  In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.



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